Friday, January 3, 2014

Not quite to nighttime

Well we tried an experiment last night. A friend of mine (also happens to be my next door neighbor and a mother with girls the same age) suggested trying to put panties on my toddler and then a diaper over them for sleep times. Since she has never had much trouble staying dry for nap times, we did it last night to see how it would go overnight. 

     The novelty of the experience seemed to appeal to her, so it wasn't difficult to get her to keep her panties on and then put a diaper over them. Next time I'm going to use a pull-up, since with panties on she tried to use the potty a few times before bed and getting the diaper on and off was a bit tricky. Anyways, it seemed to be going really well last night.

     Unfortunately, this morning when we all got up, her panties and diaper were soaking wet. Oh well, I guess it was successful in the sense that we didn't have to change her clothes and her bed, but wasn't successful in the sense that she still peed overnight. I guess she's not quite ready, although I'm hopeful that she's close.

     Then again, I'd be even more excited if she were to figure out how to poop in the potty. That would make my day even more than staying dry overnight.

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