Thursday, January 2, 2014

In search of the Perfect Potty Solution

I've been trying to keep a running blog for several years now, and I haven't been very successful. I think part of the reason is that I haven't had a theme that I could stick with. I'm not going to delve into what that says about the direction or focus of my life as a whole, but it does make blogging a bit tricky.

     Also, I don't want to compete with all those mommy-bloggers out there; I know that I don't have enough witty perspectives on my life and enough interesting tidbits to share. Besides, there are zillions upon zillions out there already, so why do what everyone else is doing? The whole point of a blog is to share your unique thoughts and perspectives, right? So, I've tried to do a photo blog (where the theme was, "look at the pictures of our week/day/life") and a recipe themed blog, and neither really stuck. So we're trying again.... but this time I'm using a different angle. 

     Instead of trying to blog weekly about our daily life - which at times is hilarious, terrifying, busy, or boring and mundane.... I'm going to try and have each entry somehow related to the trials and tribulations of having a toddler and baby who are still in diapers. Well, one is in diapers (almost 9months) and the other is in the midst of the potty training adventure (she'll be 3 in a matter of days). And who doesn't like to talk about poop? So welcome to the potty blog.

     And here are my inspirations - the wonderful girls that I'm so happy to call mine.... even if they mean a lot of diaper changes and time spent sitting on the floor of the bathroom next to the pink singing potty.

     One more thing - If you have tips or suggestions that you think I should try, feel free to tell me. I'm always looking for advice from other parents, ideas to try, and all around curious about how others are solving the conundrum that is parenting, especially as it relates to the multitudes of diapers that a 2-diaper wearing household produces. And if your ideas seem interesting and worth a try, I just might test them out and let you know if they are successful for us.

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