Friday, January 31, 2014

Dirty pants are no fun for anyone

Baby sister getting a bath at Nana's house

A strange new change has happened in the last few days around here. My toddler who never ever has accidents in her panties, has ... wait for it.... started having accidents in her panties! It's so terrible! She will be fine and then all of a sudden run (or waddle) up to us saying that we need to change her "pew-pews." It's always a bit concerning when we point out that she's not in a diaper, so why did she have an accident.

     So, we're doing a lot more laundry and having a lot more showers and baths lately. My only hope is that she is getting very very close to being fully potty trained and this is her last push. I'm hoping; because I have very little interest in cleaning soiled panties and pants for much longer.


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