My older daughter is 3, and for the most part I would say that she is fully potty trained. She does still use a diaper/pull-up at night, but it's often dry or just barely wet, so we've been discussing the idea of moving her to panties overnight very soon. And during the day she wears panties exclusively.
Well, almost. She hasn't quite mastered the art of going #2 in the potty. I'm not sure if it's a fear issue or a comfort thing or what, but she refuses to poo in the potty. Instead, she comes to me or my husband or any other adult around, and asks for a pull-up. That's our sign that she needs to go #2.
I guess we should be happy that she doesn't go in her panties. In fact she has had very few accidents ever (not including wet panties, mind you). And there was a short time where she did go #2 in the potty, so we know she can... We're not sure why she won't. I've asked other parents, and so far I haven't had any success finding what the secret is to getting her out of diapers when it comes to #2. They just say to wait it out.
So until she is ready, we have to endure the requests for pull-ups. At least when we put the pull-up on, she runs into the bathroom and shuts the door. It's a lot better than her hiding under the table while we're eating or just squatting in the room, but it is a big aggravating that she seems so close to that final step, yet unable to take it.
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