Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Doctor experiment

With my toddler turning 3, that meant a trip to the pediatrician for the yearly checkup. Sadly, this is something that I look forward to, but my daughter not so much. At least this time she didn't have to get any shots, so perhaps next time she won't be dreading it as much.

     Anyways, when the doctor asked how potty training was going, I mentioned her unwillingness to go #2 in the potty and our fun with the diapers. He smiled and talked about his 2 sons and the troubles they had getting fully potty trained. And he had some suggestions.

     First, during her examination, he kept saying that he was checking her out to see if she was big enough for the big girl potty. And lo and behold, she was! So high fives all around, he told her that he approves her using the big girl potty. To me, he said that this trick works about once a year for him, so who knows... maybe she'll be the one! I'm not holding my breath, but will certainly try to remind her of it tonight and see if it works (I'll let y'all know, too).

     His second suggestion was that after she finishes doing her business in her diaper, to take the soiled diaper and put the contents into the potty (with her in attendance) and have her watch and participate by flushing. Perhaps after watching how it works and see that it isn't scary or weird, maybe it'll click and she'll get there. If his first trick doesn't work, you can be sure I'll try out the 2nd one soon. Stay tuned.

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