Friday, August 15, 2014

Back to school

Yay! It's back to school time! I know, I've officially become a mom when I'm excited about the kiddos going to preschool vs being sad that the summer is ending. And around here it starts so dang early! School officially started the FIRST week in AUGUST people. That's so early!

     But this year, I was ready and waiting. Well, scratch the ready part if you're thinking that means I had shoes lined up and clean new clothes and backpacks. I had to run out that first day and get some things I didn't realized we had grown out of, but now we're all ready. And mentally I was ready a week ago.

     And this year my newly minted toddler is going to school one day a week, too. Yes, most people call it "Mommy's Morning Out" because it's only 4 hours once a week, but whatever you call it, I call it golden. Mostly it'll be full of dr check ups for Baby-on-the-way, but even those will be a lot less stressful without kids in tow. And since I didn't have anything scheduled this week, I got to spur-of-the-moment meet my husband for lunch, and we actually got to pay attention to eachother. Wow.

     For those of you who don't have kids, or don't remember, that's a major wow moment. Most of our time is spent getting food on the table, cleaning up the table (and floor) after food, putting away toys, getting jammies on, brushing teeth and hair, picking up toys (did I say that already?) and then falling into bed exhausted at 9pm since we know that we'll be woken up sometime between 5 and 6am if not earlier to start it all again.

     And therefore, I'm excited to have a few hours during the week where my brain can focus on something other than the child tugging at my legs and perhaps I can do something that makes me feel like an adult vs a mom. Just for a few minutes, anyway.

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