So while my toddler is having trouble pooping in the potty, my younger daughter seems to be having trouble pooping at all. The poor little one has been pretty stopped up ever since we started her on solid foods.
At about 5 months old, we started giving her pureed bananas, and her diapers were never the same. In fact, for several days they weren't dirty at all. I had no idea how much bananas could affect one's digestive health. And I would have guessed that they were like other fruits and could cause diarrhea if over indulged, but apparently they have so much starch in them that they cause the opposite affect.
At first we considered suppositories, but instead have found that the home remedy of a dab of Vaseline on a Q-tip inserted just barely into her bum fixed things. And since then we've worked hard to vary her diet and mostly avoid things like bananas and cereal that we know will stop things up. Turns out she is a big fan of beets and other veggies, so it hasn't been too hard to avoid bananas and rice cereal.
Then recently a friend suggested that we add prunes to her food. My friend uses a small bit of prunes in all of her son's baby food and it keeps him regular without any other actions. This is my new plan... with a bit of prunes at each meal, I hope she will be free and clear without discomfort.
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