Monday, January 20, 2014

Get up and go syrup

My little 9-month old is still having trouble in the dirty diaper department. She has pureed prunes mixed in with every meal, and yet still seems to be creating diamonds down there. Not to go into too much gruesome detail, but the pediatrician suggests that they be more the consistency of mashed potatoes than of coal.

     His advice? In addition to prunes, completely remove baby cereal from her diet. Also stay away from bananas and other starchy foods and focus more of veggies and fruits. And on top of all of that, he's given her a prescription for some tasteless syrup that I'm to add into everything she eats (he said I could add it to her bottles, too) and it should clear her out after a few days.

     So off to the pharmacy we go... and I'm a little scared about what's going to happen in the next few days. Granted I don't want her all backed up to a point where it could be harmful to her, so I'll update y'all in a few days, but we may significantly increase our diaper usage around here soon. Watch out!

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