Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Always go before you go

Previously I've mentioned my toddler's fascination and obsession with Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. Well, one of the situations in the potty episode is when Daniel Tiger is headed out with his dad, and he learns that he needs to try and go potty before leaving the house. I never thought that this was an issue that warranted a huge percentage of the episode until we hit that stage ourselves. Apparently it isn't common sense to a toddler that you should go potty before getting in the car, since you don't know where the next potty will be. It's certainly not common sense to my toddler anyway.

     Recently, we had to go to Costco; all of us together. Usually I try and avoid taking both girls with me when going on errands like this, but we just got home after being in Portland for 2 weeks, so we had no food. Well, we did have some food in the fridge, but its edibility is debatable. So off to Costco we go!

     And of course my daughter strongly stated that she did not have to use the potty as we left (perhaps this was because she was busy trying to wrestle her sister to the ground). So off we went. And no sooner had we pulled away from the house and headed down the block than she yelled, "I have to go potty!!"

     But can you guess what my toddler started saying the minute we got the groceries and ourselves back in the car to go home? Yes. I guess it's just an "I have to go potty!" kind of day.

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