Monday, March 3, 2014

The tinkle fairy

Well, we haven't made much headway in the potty training lately, but there has been one development. My toddler has started asking to go without a diaper overnight. Not every night, but at least a couple of times a week she asks to wear panties instead of a diaper. 

     Depending on our energy level, we usually protest and she stays in a diaper overnight. However, on occasion we have given in and let her go to bed without. And the couple times we've let this happen, we wake up to a wet bed. Interestingly, she seems to only wet the bed right before waking up in the morning, so it hasn't been a catastrophe. Plus, I have tried to be smart and either double make the bed (see my double it up blog post for details) or when sheets are in short supply I at least put an extra waterproof sheet and a towel down under her. That way a midnight sheet change is a quick effort.

     The fact that she's asking for this her self (vs us encouraging her), and that she doesn't appear to wet the bed throughout the night, makes me wonder if she really isn't ready. Maybe. Perhaps she'll master the nighttime tinkle fairy before she masters the rest of it. Wouldn't that be a kick?

     Who knows... life seems to be funny that way - it's never straight forward and never ever the way you think things ought to happen. Oh well, that's part of the adventure, right?

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