Friday, March 14, 2014

I'm making cupcakes

We have had a break-thru people! My darling 3-yr old has finally taken that first step (again) and gone #2 in the potty (again). We are OVER THE MOON! 

     I would love to say that I know what we did and could repeat it easily. I haven't a clue. I sadly have to agree with the multitudes of parents who told me "it'll happen when it happens, and not before." The worst thing to hear, but sadly very true.

     And I will admit that we aren't out of the woods yet. We can see the end, but I don't know how long it's going to take to get there. Here's the play-by-play... she went last night, flushed, then announced to us that she did the deed, followed quickly by, "can I get ice cream now?" (Yes, we had returned to the bribe tactic, since neither my husband or myself really wanted to try that plan B from the pediatrician). We explained to her that we actually had to witness that she'd gone poo-poo in the potty before we'd jump in the car for ice cream.

     Then off I went to a meeting at the church. And while I was gone, apparently she got back on the potty and brought herself to tears attempting to recreate the scenario and get some ice cream. So my husband finally took pity on her, and acceded that it's doubtful she was making all of this up and working that hard at it, and they went off to ice cream. yay!

     But my little toddler has developed a memory like a steel trap; at least when it comes to things she wants. So this morning she announced to me that I owed her cupcakes. Yes, I admit at one point I even threw those into the bribe kitty at a low point. Since we had acquieced the first time with a little doubt hanging on, I told her that she would have to repeat the act in order to deserve a cupcake. 

     And would you know, by 10am she had! I was so excited! Of course making cupcakes first required a trip to the grocery store, but she didn't have a problem agreeing to that. And after lunch she even repeated the act... followed by requesting a diaper... bummer. I was somehow hoping that once she did it once, she'd never go back to a diaper. I guess that's not true. However, I'm going to continue to ride this excitement and hope that it'll just take a couple more cupcakes.

     Which is good, because I now have 3 dozen chocolate cupcakes baking in the oven.

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