Monday, March 10, 2014


Because I have girls, I have not encountered this personally, but feel that it might resonate with some of my friends (and my 2 readers out there). Apparently with boys, right from the beginning, there is danger when changing those diapers. If not timed exactly right, the moment the diaper comes off, a firehose erupts and gets EVERYWHERE.

     Now girls are known to pee on the changing table, too. And perhaps the frequency isn't any different between boys and girls. The biggest difference is probably the fact that with girls they flood the table and whatever they are wearing, but the person changing the diaper is relatively safe from getting wet. Not with boys. Boys have aim (or lack thereof), and so the stream will get everyone nearby, just like an unattended garden hose. 

     I have heard that the reason babies almost always pee when the diaper comes off is due to the rush of air. When that warm, wet diaper gets replaced with a cool rush of air, it automatically triggers them to pee. Not sure why, just that it does. So that would suggest there is very little you can do about preventing these episodes; the only thing to do is be prepared on how to handle them.

     And my favorite solution on how to handle these is the pee-pee tee-pee. It's a tiny little cloth cone (shaped like a tee-pee) that you hold in one hand while you remove the diaper. As soon as the diaper exposes the little boy parts, you drop the tee-pee on him and voila! The tee-pee will soak up anything coming out and protect everyone around. I have to assume they are machine washable, of course. Here are some you can check out from UnCommon Goods, although several online retailers sell them these days.

     I don't know if they truly are as effective as it sounds in theory. I'd love to hear from someone who has used them and whether they are realistic, but they are cute. Especially when they have them around the holidays and they're red with a little white ball on top, so they resemble Santa hats. If you have tried them, please comment below and tell me if they work. 

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