Monday, February 24, 2014

Great Job, Mommy!

I don't know how many people remember doing this, but if you are a parent, I'm assuming that you at one time or another cheered as your child used the potty. It's pretty much a given. There was a while there where we cheered for our toddler every time she used the potty instead of her diaper, and sometimes she even got a treat.

     Yes, we were those parents. We offered pieces of chocolate coins, chocolate covered pomegranates, candy corns, pretty much whatever small sized sweet we had on hand. And she got a sweet and a big cheer from both of us every time she even so much as tinkled into the toilet. And all of that cheering lead to a rather comical result.

     Because to our toddler the cheering section was a routine part of the whole potty going process, she assumed that everyone got a treat and cheers when they used the toilet. She had no reason not to think that. So if she ever happened in on me or my husband using the bathroom, she would whoop and holler, "Great job, Mommy!" when we finished. And then would insist that we got a sweet for going potty. It was rather adorable... 

     Alas, those days are over. Now she uses the toilet so often that the treats have gone by the wayside, as have the cheering sections. Although I'm hoping that my little potty cheerleader will resurface when it's time to start cheering for her little sister.

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